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Re: Back!

From:Sylvia Sotomayor <sylvia1@...>
Date:Monday, July 19, 1999, 18:53
At 11:56 PM 7/18/99 -0600, Adam Parrish wrote:
>On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Herman Miller wrote: >>[about his stars] >[more about stars and other heavenly bodies] > I'm curious as to how other conlangers have solved the problem >of cosmic location, since it does seem to be rather vital to an >important part of a language's vocabulary. It seems to me that most of
Well, I've figured out that the Kelen live on a relatively young planet in a particularly starry part of the galaxy. There is a nebula that is maybe about the size of the constellation of Orion that they can see for about half a year. That is known as The Mother of Stars or The Home of the Star Goddess. It dictates their calendar. The year is actually divided into two half-years, each dedicated to a different goddess. The half when the nebula is visible is the Time of the Star Goddess or "Illuane". The other half of the year, "Ilroane" is dedicated to the Goddess Roan, who is a bit more difficult to categorize. Other than that, I haven't figured out much more about their calendar. Sylvia Sylvia Sotomayor