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Re: German question

From:Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg_rhiemeier@...>
Date:Thursday, September 1, 2005, 19:08

Andreas Johansson wrote:

> Quoting Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>: > > > > [Peenemünde] > > > > > The real oddity is that double -ee-, no? Is peen(e-) a Baltic word, perhaps? > > or some no-longer-used German spelling? > > Double vowels aren't very common in German spelling, but it's not hard to find > examples: _See_, _Saal_, _Moor_, _Moos_, _leer_. > > Examples with high vowels don't seem to be found (*_ii_ would be writen _ie_, I > suppose,
> but I can see no particular reason *_uu_ shouldn't occur).
I cannot recall any German word with |uu|, either.
> Note that doubled umlauted vowels are not accepted; _Moos_, _Saal_ pluralize as > _Möse_, _Säle_.
_Säle_, yes, but the plural of _Moos_ is _Moose_. (_Möse_ is a rude word for a particular body opening, BTW.) But |ää|, |öö| and |üü| are indeed forbidden. We leave that to the Finns and Estonians ;-) Greetings, Jörg.


Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>