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Re: CHAT: Three questions from a lurker

From:Keenan <makeenan@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 4, 1998, 5:52
Joshua Shinavier wrote:
> > > Oh, and I have another two > > questions, because somehow I didn't get the responses the first time. > > How do you decide on your vocabularies/morphemes? And what computer > > program do you use. I use Excel myself because of the ease of > > alphabetizing. > > Well, I'll go back to lurking. Thanks a lot. > > David >
In My case making the Ok words was easy,because I only had to decide which consonants and vowels I was going to have in the language. Then I combined each vowel with each consonant and voila! I arrived at some 2300 radicals waiting for encodings. Actually I had to fudge around a little more than that but that's the idea. I have learned on this list that my encodings are pretty much English. In fact there are only about five encodings in Ok that aren't taken straight from English. I think this is a symptom of Ok's lack of a conculture.(Any comments on that idea people? [Pssst... There are plans to fix this]) As far as the program I use. It's called pen and paper. I buy notebooks that one might use in school. (at least what used to be used in school) Only when I decided to put the Ok radicals with their English translations on my web page, did I realize that in this way I could alphabetize them and, thereby make my translating easier! I use a program called pico which I dial into at Syracuse University (where I work). My webpage is on an S.U. server and its easy to upload with pico. I haven't got a clue how I would do it with Netscape.