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Re: David Peterson, CSANA, and Made to Order Conlangs

From:David J. Peterson <thatbluecat@...>
Date:Monday, April 28, 2003, 18:01
Wes wrote:

<<You say the computerized word generator runs on FileMaker Pro.  What is 
restricted to?  What level of MacOS?>>

I happen to have it for Mac OSX, 'cause I convinced Josh to upgrade to OS X, 
but he originally wrote it for 9.0, or 9.1.2.   My version of File Maker Pro 
is for OS X, but I imagine he must have had one that was for OS 9, and if 
that's so, then maybe it can go earlier.   I'm not exactly sure how these 
things work (especially since you're running it off another computer), but I 
*think* that if you had File Maker Pro for whatever OS, and I sent you one of 
its databases, it should be able to convert it backwards...?   Well, 
hopefully.   It's all guesswork with me; I'm no techy.   :(
