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Re: NATLANG: High German Consonant Shift

From:J. 'Mach' Wust <j_mach_wust@...>
Date:Friday, September 3, 2004, 17:14
On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 17:29:17 +0100, Joe <joe@...> wrote:

>J. 'Mach' Wust wrote: > >>On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 16:11:17 +0100, Joe <joe@...> wrote: >> >> >> >>>Right now, I'm making a heavily High-German-influenced language, >>>currently under the pseudonym of 'Latinesque'(I've made it once before, >>>and am now redoing it, because the other one was not nearly >>>realistic/rigorous enough). I'm not sure whether the name will stick >>>or not. Anyway, I'm trying to come up with a background history to go >>>with the language, as I find the current I little lacking. >>> >>>Basically, I need some estimated dates for the High-German consonant >>>shift. Within a century should do fine. >>> >>> >> >>The book I have at hand, an introduction to Middle-High-German, gives two >>dates: >> >>The name of the Hunnish leader Attila (died in 453) has been affected >>(Etzel), so at his time, the Second Germanic sound shift hadn't occurred >>yet. There's the Wurmlingen lance peak from the beginning of the 7th >>century with a shifted name: IDORIH (not -rik); and Langobardian law book >>'Edictus Rothari' from around 643 also shows shifted words, e.g. >>_sculdhais_ (cf. Anglosaxon _scyldhaeta_). >> >>So it might have happened in the 6th century. >> >> > >Both of those examples are in South Germany, though, aren't they? Is it >known when it reached(roughly) the extent it does now?
They're both southern examples, that's right (the Langobardians actually had a kingdom in northern Italy, in a region still known as Lombardia). The second German sound shift is still a phenomena of southern German. Northern dialects don't have it (Platt), and Middle German have it only partly, and so does the actual standard German, which was created in Eastern Middle German (it doesn't have the shift of 'k'), and became official written language first in the north (16th century, with the reformation) and later in the south (18th century). gry@s: j. 'mach' wust