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Re: Hardcopies and Softcopies

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Friday, November 20, 1998, 17:27
Until recently, I'd say within the last five years or so, Teonaht was
entirely on paper.  Handwritten, for that matter. I started to put it in
the computer in 1993, and when I joined Conlang in February of 1998 I put
a whole lot more in, and eventually put some of it on the web.  The
website is becoming the definitive place for Teonaht, as I've stopped
making corrections to the "paper" grammar that I distributed to about ten
people earlier this year.

Sally Caves

Li fetil'aiba, dam hoja-le uen.
volwin ly, vul inua aiba bronib.

This leaf, the wind takes her.
She's old, and born this year.