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Re: Auxlangs in conworlds, was Re: The Great Sundering

From:Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>
Date:Thursday, November 27, 2003, 21:58
--- Jörg Rhiemeier hae crifte:

> So with the lack of a dominant international language, > Ill Bethisad ought to be a fertile ground for auxlangs. > They probably haven't settled on ONE auxlang, though.
Yes, that's one of the great mysteries of IB. For some reason unfathomable the world has yet refused to embrace the most natural, intuitive and appropriate choice there can possibly be: Jovianto, based on all the world's important languages (like Jovian, and... um... yeah), with its familiar Latinate roots, the wonderfully context-establishing mutations and sandhi, and the orthography that orients itself after the soul rather than the superficial phonetics of the language, is beyond doubt The Way To Go. ;-D -- Christian Thalmann


Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@...>