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Re: Omniglossa

From:<deinx nxtxr> <deinx.nxtxr@...>
Date:Friday, December 26, 2008, 0:38
Omniglossa is back.

I'm rebuilding it for a new platform, but there's a link to the old version
which has been down for a few months now.  I'm hoping to have the new one
ready before hosting expires on the old server.   I'm also hoping to add
some improvements, most notable of which is that I'd like to eventually add
the ability for others to submit new words however I need to work out
something where I can maintain accuracy unlike open systems like Wiktionary
or Logos.  Yes, words from conlangs will be allowed, again unlike Wiktionary
or Logos.

I'm open to suggestions if anyone has ideas for additional features.