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Re: no:t@r pa:D@r iNkAjlA (with audio)

From:Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>
Date:Monday, September 2, 2002, 7:36
--- In conlang@y..., Ángel Serrano <aingelja@Y...> wrote:
> > Christian, I think you made a great work. I like how your "Noter > Pazer" sounds
Thanx! =D
> but I think Jovian would be easier to learn if the spelling were > more similar to the pronounciation.
Who would want to learn Jovian anyway? =P It's an artlang: Created for the sake of creation rather than propagation.
> I hope to insert in my web my own version of "Pater Noster" in > Aingeljã very soon, which would begin with "Nou Pare, qwe eh nou > cell ...".
Yeah, bring it on. =) -- Christian Thalmann


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>