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Re: TERMS: going dotty, twice over (was: TERMS: Umlaut-Ablaut)

From:FFlores <fflores@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 17, 1999, 1:27
Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...> wrote:
> > No, not at all. It is the vowel in the _root_ word which conditions all > the vowels in the affixes (usually suffixes) in langs with vowel harmony. > > Umlaut is almost the opposite; the vowel of a suffix has modified the root > vowel. The suffix then, of course, usually thinks it's done its job & > disappears.
I thought you could call them simply forward or backward vowel harmony, or something like that (like there is forward and backward assimilation). But I guess the main difference is that vowel harmony involves the root (while umlaut may modify non-root vowels too, can't it?). --Pablo Flores