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Re: Conspecies Biology

From:B. Garcia <madyaas@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 10, 2004, 3:15
On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 18:12:33 -0700, william drewery <will65610@...> wrote:

>Unfortunately, I later found that > the fan lit from "Aliens" has proposed "organic" > batteries as part of Xenomorph physiology. Oh well, > Travis
I've always wondered if anyone fleshed out the physiology of the aliens from the "Alien" movies. We know that: - They have some sort of exoskeleton, or sclerofied skin - No recognizeable eyes - two mouths - They nest like ants do (queen, workers, eggs, babies, etc) - They incubate within other organisms, and have two stages: a face sucking egg layer, which implants eggs for the drones, and at least one of those drones can become a queen, which lays the eggs for the face suckers. - Highly acidic blood - At least partly biomechanical (as evidenced from the first movie where the crew of the Nostromo enter the crashed ship and see the "pilot/navigator") - They have some sort of communication system (in one of the last Alien movies, they conspired with each other to kill one of the drones so the killed drone's blood would eat through the floor of their holding room so they could escape) I think those were the best mostly non-anthropomorphic aliens i've seen. Anyone know anything else about those aliens? -- Something gets lost when you translate, It's hard to keep straight, perspective is everything - Invisible ink - Aimee Mann -


Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>