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paper documents (wasRe: OT More pens (was Re: Phoneme winnowing continues)

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 11, 2003, 6:25
In a message dated 2003:06:10 11:59:05 AM, stonegordonssen@HOTMAIL.COM quotes
me outta context & writes:

>>Soon - hopefully - even paper documentation will also go into the trash >>heap of history (or, better yet, the recycling bin or archives depending >on the nature of the contents). > >I certainly hope not. I *LIKE* being able to hold a book in my hands and >fall asleep with it at night.
I was referring to the entire issue of bureacratic paper documentation and only that issue in this paragraph. I love books, too. My whole adult life - till I got "sick and disabled" - I have worked with books in one form or another (library assistant, music library technician, music library archivist, bookstore clerk &, later, assistant manager, independent freelance bookseller/buyer/trader, semi-professional rare book thief, etc.)
>One of the big issues today is that, with the usage of computers to create >dovcuments, there will be no rough drafts from which oine can learn the >changes in an author's perspective as he/she developed a story.
I wrote:
>> [...] paper documentation will also go into the trash >>heap of history (or, better yet, the recycling bin or archives depending >>on the nature of the contents).
As a former archivist, I do think I know what I am talking about ;) Sometimes the only way to actually save some crucial endangered manuscripts and such for future generations is to use HiTech means like storing them on computerized multimedia (till some better media than CD-ROM comes along)... --- Hanuman Zhang (aka "Z") WOG (Wiley Oriental Gentleman ;) Avatar of Sun WuKong, a.k.a _Ma-Lau_ ("Monkey") a.k.a. "TricksterGod of the Glorious Anti-Imperialist Chinese Boxers"; ¡¡¡ TricksterShapeShifterIncarnate !!! >^..^< ';' ;P~~~ <= thee prIs ov X.iztenz iz aetern'l warfaer 'N' kreativ playf'llnizz... => => om hung hanumatay rudratmakai hung phat <= mantra to Hanuman the Hindu Monkey TricksterGod
>Finally a religious statement I can agree with: > >the Zoroastrian teaching that it is a sin for a person to be boring.
"Life is all a great joke, but only the brave ever get the point." - Kenneth Rexroth googolgigglabyte goegolgiechelbijt - of - met een vette megagrijns GoogolGekicherByte googolrisibyte ===> el byte de la risita de googol googolrisadinhabyte ===> o byte de risadinha de googol googolspassoctet guugoIllolbijt gugolhihibajt gugolngisibayt okukolkikikol egúgelegigalibaith kiletstroknolyadgigabaiti cimacimakekehapi baitakhakhweifayatrauni ufi'auayinisuguguluarkhar pokatra oemadroabhethetre inarevuta yhiyhayhake nawyo AnekoMeppathmoTtilvatelmDiggulgyttahat va'i utne tuktukt'ishushukuko`g tuk go`go`o`gwgaga ggsngngsbd [gugulaNexebidi]