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Re: Unilang: the Prosodics

From:Oskar Gudlaugsson <hr_oskar@...>
Date:Thursday, April 19, 2001, 15:15
On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 17:01:41 +0200, Christophe Grandsire
<christophe.grandsire@...> wrote:

>Phonemic stress in Unilang would be problematic >for French speakers. Still, it's more because of their laziness when it
comes to
>learning another language than because of the inherent difficulty of that >language.
Bien sur :) This is why I'm more willing to accept some features that "may cause difficulty", if they're useful; because half of them would only cause initial difficulty to the lazy student, not really perpetual difficulty to the ardent one. Phonemic accent is one such example, as I see it; it might be weird in the first class, but hardly for long. Óskar