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Re: New Conlang: Ai Glwssai (LONG?)

From:Garth Wallace <gwalla@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 17, 2003, 16:51
Steg Belsky wrote:
> I assume what i'm getting as gibberish is supposed to be Greek letters... > are you setting your encoding correctly? or maybe it's my side, and juno > just doesn't want to read it right...
No, I get the gibberish too. Looking at the message headers, it appears that it was sent without an explicit charset, which my mailreader interprets as Windows-1252 (odd, since I'm on Linux...maybe it's a concession to all the defective Outlook-produced email out there?). I'm not sure what the intended charset was, however...I tried changing it to UTF-8, UTF-7, ISO-8859-7 (ISO-Greek), Windows -1253, and MacGreek, and all of them had gibberish for the "Greek" characters.


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>META: international characters and HotMail [was Re: New Conlang: Ai Glwssai]