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-s adverbs, bodoer Homo Sapiens (was: watered down fiery spirits)

From:Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@...>
Date:Friday, October 24, 2003, 17:40
--- Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...> wrote:

> Can anyone explain to me why all of those sound > awkward to me without > an |s| at the end of |toward|? i.e., > "towards"?
We had this discussion a while back. Personally, I think of pairs like toward/towards as a motionless/moving distinction. "Toward a Fuller Understand of Aspect in Yllemese Court Sculpture" makes a fine title for a paper; but it is now static. While the author and anyone else who is studying Yllemes court sculpture, is actively moving towards that goal of a fuller understanding. So, toward indicates the notion of moving to; while towards indicates the actual motion. In my opinion and usage. Same goes for certain other adverbs in -s, like leftward/leftwards. "A leftward move was noted in the recent elections" v. "In general, we're moving leftwards in our political choices". Padraic. ===== - Nos côsez yen fin xristianós et trancouil - Côsez-el a Ddon! -- Ill Bethisad -- <> Come visit The World! -- <> .


Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>English allative (was:Re: -s adverbs, bodoer Homo Sapiens (was: watered down fiery spirits)