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Re: CHAT: Zoroastrian influences on Post-exilic Judaism

From:Cathy Whitlock <cprincessw@...>
Date:Friday, July 28, 2000, 4:37
In a message dated 7/27/2000 2:41:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
jcowan@REUTERSHEALTH.COM writes:

<< Steg wrote:

 > Although, interesting from a sociological point of view, both Esther and
 > Mordekhai's non-Hebrew names aren't just non-Jewish, but come from Ishtar
 > and Marduk, Babylonian deities!  Imagine the amount of assimilation that
 > could lead to that - ¿ever heard of a Jew named Jesús? :-)

 There are certainly Jews named "Natalie" = "Christmas-child". >>

totally a tangent- really just an observation- I've met many hispanic
catholics named Moisés, teh trnaslation of Moses, yet never any Jews named
Moses :P