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Re: New Website Feature

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Monday, July 17, 2006, 17:28
On 7/17/06, Henrik Theiling <theiling@...> wrote:
> The dynamic switching David uses remembers the setting in a cookie, so > when you click on a link, the selected style sheet keeps being used > for the linked page.
Ah. Well, there are a couple of ways to handle that where all the dynamicity is on the server end, so no JavaScript is required. For instance, the stylesheet href in the <link> could be the URL of, instead of a static CSS file, a dynamic page (CGI, PHP, ASP, JSP, mod_perl, Ruby on RAILS, whatever...) that serves the appropriate CSS content based on the cookie. Bt personally, I'd stick with the JavaScript solution. As long as you have a reasonable fallback - where people with JS disabled can still get the content, even if they lose the ability to do certain fancy things like change the color scheme - I don't see a problem. Going to great lengths to accomodate the paranoid is not a good expenditure of time. :) -- Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>