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Re: Conlanging guide

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Saturday, July 27, 2002, 2:37
Christopher Wright writes:
 > I said I'd make one, and I have...mostly, I think. It could use a bit
 > more fleshing out. As it is, it's everything I know about making
 > languages, and it's five pages long.
 > I'll upload it in .doc format now; it will be
 > Later, it will be available in HTML format, including cool hyperlinks
 > that won't work quite as well as I'd like.

I look forward to it, as .doc is less than convenient for me.

 > Forgive me for trying to insert some personality into my writing.
 > Any advice, comments, examples of various features, suggestions, snide
 > remarks, flame can find me.
 > That reminds me, does anyone know of a natural ergative language?

Basque? (I mean, I know it's ergative, but I don't know _how_ ergative
it is.  I've heard that there are no _purely_ ergative natlangs.)


Tim May <butsuri@...>Basque (was RE: Conlanging guide)