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Re: "Roumant", or whatever it may be called. PART IV

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 1, 2000, 13:57
En réponse à Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>:

> Well, I've read this post and Roumant seems to be a very interesting > language. A very interesting language but fortunately I don't have to > learn it... well, shouldn't be to difficult to understand it written, > problem would be mastering it, but that I could say for any other > romance language besides my own. > > -- Carlos Th >
He he... Thank you for the compliment. Oh, completely another thing, seen how my own post showed up in your reply, does everyone received my post with completely mangled lines and tables? I use an Internet-based e-mail and it seems that I have no access to the preferences on line lengths and the like. As I think it's not nice to have to read mangled tables, if it happens that a majority of people receive my posts with strange line lengths and mangled tables I will try to correct that in the next post I'll write (by not using the TAB key for instance).