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Various stuff

From:Patrick Jarrett <seraph@...>
Date:Saturday, December 2, 2000, 1:41
Some of you might remember me, I was on the list for a few weeks earlier this year.
Then I removed myself from it so as to not be distracted from school. ANyways,
I have a couple of questions. And some stuff about my language.

Question: What exactly is the ergative case?

About my language, Tierian. I made a relatively large step with my language, and
this is probably a baby step compared to some of you, but I actually got the
beginnings of the numbering system, the catch is, its not base 10 its base 8.
You are going, Why the heck would you use base 8? Well here it is. I have this
theory, we use base 10 because we have 10 fingers, what if we had 8 fingers,
well use base 8. So, you guessed, Tierians only have 8 fingers, well... 6
fingers, 2 thumbs.

They have 8 genders, 5 of which are people related. They are Youth, unmarried
adult, parent, married adult, and Board member. What if they fulfill multiple
of these categories? Glad you asked, they go in order first to last. If you are
a parent but not married, then you use the parent endings, if you are a youth
but also a parent, then use the parent, and so on.

The cases I am still figuring out. Since I only have experience with Latin, I am
trying to broaden my horizons to grammar and see what I can do with it.

Blaze your trail