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Re: Megdevi Book (was Re: What is it we are saying in our languages?)

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Thursday, July 13, 2006, 16:12
Your book, David, is awesome, and it rivals Rev. Paul Burgess's _mna Sipri
Cilama_, written in his mna Vanantha, in which he is fluent, and beautifully
illustrated and bound.  Do you remember his brief sojourn on Conlang in

Here's his link:

 My texts are basically electronic, and I SHOULD illustrate more of them.  I
have a million blank books, but they are too long for any Teonaht epic, and
would take me years to fill, much less illustrate!

Your side-comments on your text, by the way, are hilarious!  I don't think
the woman looks so much like a man in drag.  To emphasize her feminine
attributes, you should make her face fuller, and please give her BREASTS! :)

Why do you say that you hate painting?  You are a wonderful artist with a
great sense of color.  How long ago did you do this?  Have you translated
the epic?



David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>