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Re: Triggeriness ...

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Thursday, December 11, 2003, 23:43
Constructed Languages List <CONLANG@...> writes:
>Isn't sa a locative marking in tagalog which is used when the location >isn't the trigger? Or am I confused? Most arguments are just marked by >ng (whatever they're doing in the sentence) if they're not the trigger, >but for some reason locations are treated differently.
Sa is used when you aren't using the locative trigger, because you need to indicate where something is happening, since the verb isn't telling you that the verb is occuring somewhere, so you need sa to indicate that. It's easier (for me) to think of it as a preposition, because it indicates where something is happening (some grammar books will call it a locative/directional marker). __________________________ I've got love and anger they come as a pair You can take your chances but buyer beware