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Re: Triggeriness ...

From:Javier BF <uaxuctum@...>
Date:Friday, December 12, 2003, 14:23
>>Let me get this straight; every Tagalog requires a verb bearing the >>"trigger" >>marker; just WHAT would that be if not a case marker? > >What would that be? A trigger marker, That's what. > >Why must triggers be equated to cases? What purpose does that give?
Because they are just that: a subject case marked by a preposition instead of by a suffix. Would it make you feel better if they introduced a spelling reform in Tagalog and started to write the case markers attached to the following word? Would you then have no trouble calling it "case", or would it still be necessary that they introduced also a syntactic reform to place them as suffixes so that you could finally accept that they are the same linguistic phenomenon as Latin and Greek case suffixes but under a different disguise? Cheers, Javier