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Re: Phonological Relay Proposal

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Monday, September 11, 2000, 2:31
"H. S. Teoh" wrote:
> be'K in let jun, ai' hed 3 briif K0'v33sech3n yth bee'ri gaasi'a 3baut > th3 aidi3' 0f 3 fon0l0'jik3l rilee'.
Should that K be k? Also, are the accents correct? Why isn't there an accent on _briif_, for instance? Anyhoo (in the standard dialect): Bíku in-lítu-yun áiyadabliif kávaasityan us-bíili gaasí abáutusa aidí afafúna layíkal lilíi IPA (' indicates that the following syllable is high pitch, ` indicates high-low pitch, . indicates syllable boundaries): 'bi.ku i'nri'tu`jon 'aI.ja.da.ble:f 'kA.vA:.Si.tSan os'bi:'li gA:'Si A'bAU'tu'sa aI'di afa'fu'na la'ji'kAl li'li: The reason I split up the <Of 3 fonOlO'jik3l> the way I did is that having the sixth syllable be the location of the pitch-rise would be very awkward. It tends to be on the second syllable. Incidentally, I used to think it was final syllable, but when I broke down roots by syllable-count, I noticed that most of the 3-syllable roots had it on the second syllable. The reason I'd thought that it was final syllable is that the vast majority (about 85%, IIRC) of roots are 2-syllable, thus, second syllable looked like final syllable! -- "Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTailor