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Re: Lingwa de Planeta (LdP) introductory course

From:Eugene Oh <un.doing@...>
Date:Saturday, August 4, 2007, 18:25
2007/8/5, Douglas Koller <laokou@...>:
> > I appreciate the efforts to include our Oriental brethren into an > international language (heretofore not done with similar exercises), really I > do. But are the contributors actually familiar with Chinese? Pinyin "zuo4" is > /dzwO/, which means that the only common thread between any of these words is > "d." > > "Shulin" is more of a glade than a forest, and I think the word is about as common as > "glade" is in English. What have you got against "sen1lin2" (/sVnlin/)? > > Which brings us to "notebook:" "bendza." If the "e" has any value of "e" (/E/ or > /e/), then it sounds like a condition one would experience coming up too > quickly from scuba diving, as spoken from an inebriated Italian. No /V/ in > this lang? You might do well to incorporate it if Chinese is on the menu. > > Best wishes for your project, > > Kou >
Chinese, or at least standard Mandarin does not have /V/, or even [V] (the latter except as an allophone of [7]. The vowel in question in "benzi" is a schwa, or [3] (depending on your accent, anyhow). The standard phonetic realisation (omitting tones) would be [p3nts=]. At the same time Mandarin does not use the labial glide in finals, only in initials as a consonant. The vowel series in "zuo4" is actually a falling opening diphthong - i.e. the main vowel is the [u] and the glide, if any, is [O]. Also, as John has noted, all the stops here are supposed to be voiceless. Although I suppose for the sake of distinction with the Roman alphabet a slight tweak to shift the contrast from aspiration to voicing wouldn't be too drastic to be unacceptable. Eugene