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Re: Lingwa de Planeta (LdP) introductory course

From:lingwadeplaneta <lingwadeplaneta@...>
Date:Sunday, August 5, 2007, 4:59
I would like to say one thing: LdP is not Chinese. It is not our goal
to make everybody speak exactly as Chinese do, otherwise we would have
begun to disseminate Chinese. We can not adopt tones in LdP. Also we
wouldn't adopt aspiration instead of voicing. (By the way, we have
combinations "bh", "kh" in some words, but they are never
sense-distinguishing with "b", "k".) Moreover, we wouldn't adopt word
distinction like "tsun - tsung".

I agree with Eugene Oh: "I suppose for the sake of distinction with
the Roman alphabet a slight tweak to shift the contrast from
aspiration to voicing wouldn't be too drastic to be unacceptable."

--- In, John Vertical <johnvertical@...> wrote:

> Hold on guys, isn't Chinese supposed to contrast *tenuis vs aspirated* > stops, not voiced vs voiceless? Ie <c z> = /ts_h ts/? Or is there a
> rule for the unaspirated series which I don't kno of? > > John Vertical >