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Re: Ng'and'ana

From:Elliott Belser <renyard@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 23, 2002, 14:29
>On Tue, 22 Jan 2002 19:28:44 -0800 Elliott Belser <renyard@...> >writes: > > The consonants, like in Hebrew, can sometimes be modified by a dot. >Is this 'gutturalization' marked by the Adam dot a phonological process, >like spirantization is in Hebrew and Spanish, or is it just an >orthographic way of writing the different letters, like how the letter >"R" is a "P" with a leg, but there's no real connection between their >sounds?
It's phonological. The Ng'anda concider a rolled R a 'crystalline' R, a Q or KH a 'crystalline' K, and so forth and this is how their linguists interpret it. The sounds are related, it's not just representational.