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Re: CHAT: ...y'know

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 30, 1999, 21:32 writes:
> >Where's "around here"?
whoops, forgot to say. "Around here", is Monterey, California Land of many large farms, and land of Taquerias on every street corner (well thats an exaggeration, but if you go to the nearby town of Salinas....).
>I know that in Mexico and Central America >"pendejo" is considered an insult... Here (in Argentina) it can >be insulting when joined to other words (imagine), but the main >meaning is "kid, infant". It takes on a certain despising connotation >when it's applied to adults; calling a grown-up person "pendejo" is >like telling them they have a four-year-old mind. But many parents >use it to refer to their children. It's certainly not an addressing >term. It has another meaning (though much rarer, and used by men only), >referring to a hair that is not in the head... >
Pendejo is considered tame by my peers, mostly because its so common. There are other words that are much more insulting, like "Puta / Puto" (Coincidentally, in Tagalog, Puto is the name for a type of cake. I always get giggles around my Latino friends when i tell them about it =) )
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