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Re: NATLANG: English Homework - Keeping alive languages of minorities?

From:Carsten Becker <naranoieati@...>
Date:Saturday, March 5, 2005, 22:44
Thank you for that criticism, David! Because this homework is due to Monday,
I can still rewrite things and make them clearer. Yes, of course I DIDN'T
intend to say that it's good to have one language in Europe and that minor
languages in the US should die out.

As for your question why we're currently dealing with that topic, Ireland
has to be dealt with in 12th grade in Hesse as it seems. And one special
thing about Ireland is its language which as a non-conlanger (nonlanger...?)
you normally have no contact with. Because the Irish language is part of
Ireland's culture, the curriculum apparently prescribes there must be some
lessons about it. As for my school etc., I'm currently in 12th of 13 grades
on the local grammar school (Gymnasium). English is the second of my two
intensive courses (Leistungskurse), which means the second subject I am
tested in in the Abitur (A-Level) exams next year's spring will be English.
My other intensive course is German.



David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>