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Re: "Abilitative" aspect?

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Thursday, October 24, 2002, 17:16
Ian Maxwell wrote:
> >Apparently I've been thinking about conlanging in my sleep, because I >just invented a new verb aspect. Or re-invented it, more likely. > >Specicifically, I'm conceiving of an aspect that marks having the >ability to do something. So, it would turn "to run" into "to be able to >run". There could also be a seperate aspect for being allowed to do >something, so that it would become "to be allowed to run". And, while >we're at it, there could be one for willingness ("to be willing to run"). > >Does anyone know of an existing language (conlangs included) that marks >any of these? If not, I nominate the terms abilitative, permissive, >and... um, I don't know. Any suggestions for the third?
I dunno if it counts, but Tairezazh has an adverb _fiks_ which has this meaning; _ta raig_ "I eat", _ta raig fiks_ "I can eat". There's also "be allowed" adverb; _ta raig skei_ "I'm allowed to eat". But aren't these moods rather than aspects? They pattern with modal marking in Tairezazh, at least. Andreas _________________________________________________________________ Broadband? Dial-up? Get reliable MSN Internet Access.