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Re: (La)TeX for a conlanger? Advice sought.

From:Kit La Touche <kit@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 2:19
strictly speaking, i think LaTeX doesn't use truetype fonts, but its
own CM metric, which comes with a LaTeX installation.  this is the T1
encoding that one uses generally.  i, for conlanging, tend to use OT
encoding, which requires some poking at to get working nicely, but it
handles characters like edths and angmas nicely.

i love LaTeX, but if you want fine-tuned control over the layout,
it's probably not what you want.  if you want consistent and nice
layout, and really good accented characters, it's for you.


On Nov 15, 2005, at 8:22 PM, Henrik Theiling wrote:
> Arthaey Angosii <arthaey@...> writes: >>> (i) works a lot with truetype & unicode fonts, >>> (ii) is a typography fetishist, > > I'm a bit puzzled about your answer (i) here: I admit to be a bit > behind cutting edge Linux and LaTeX technology as my normal system is > some four years old, but is it the case that LaTeX can use Truetype > and/or Unicode fonts these days and that it reads the input in > e.g. UTF-8? > > **Henrik

