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Re: NGL: was: Re: FAQ?

From:Mia Soderquist <all4thebetter@...>
Date:Sunday, December 23, 2001, 5:27
--- "Thomas R. Wier" <trwier@...>
> (Try using the names "Jack Durst" or "Mia > Soderquist" as filters.)
Ahem... As I accidentally didn't send to the list a moment ago... I've never been used as a filter before! Life is full of adventures!
> > (I never much liked the idea of conlanging by > committee, but to > each his or her own) >
Ah, well... It didn't replace anyone's personal projects, I don't think. It's sometimes fun to try something new. I haven't been active with NGL for a very long time, but it did get to the point of being useable, in a few different versions. Mia __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send your FREE holiday greetings online!


Thomas R. Wier <trwier@...>