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Re: Logical?

From:And Rosta <a-rosta@...>
Date:Monday, June 10, 2002, 21:19
Christopher B Wright:
> Jim Grossmann sekalge: > >What does it mean for an artificial language to be "logical"? > > A language whose grammar and usually phonology are complete, accurate, > and work for every situation. There is no guessing, and there are no > irregular words. There are no exceptions. Such languages aren't fun in > any way.
That is what might be called a 'layperson's' definition of logicality in language. Among conlangers, though, -- though auxlangers may pattern here with the laypeople -- 'logical' tends to mean 'based on formal logic', or, in a more refined sense, that the grammar assigns to every sentence an explicit logical formula. --And.