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Re: CHAT: another new language to check out

From:Matt Trinsic <trinsic@...>
Date:Saturday, July 3, 2004, 13:45
> From: Joe <joe@...> > Subject: Re: another new language to check out > > Chris Bates wrote: > > >>> >>> Anyway, my point was just that everything including science requires >>> faith, because to "know" anything, you have to take some basic knowledge >>> for granted to build the rest. :) If you decide to take nothing on faith >>> you end up like Descartes, who decided that the only thing he could >>> believe in was his own existence (the famous "Cognito ergo Sum" or >>> rather "Cognito, Sum" as Christophe corrected us last time). >>> > > > Indeed. Maybe that's the most logical view of the universe- we are all > that exists. It's certainly the simplest.
Okay, I just can't let this one pass ;) Descartes most certainly did not believe he was the only thing that existed. "Cognito, Sum" was merely the first step of his proofs. It has been a while since I read the his discourses, but I recall that he uses that proof to then prove a number of other things, including the existance of God. While his philosophies were perfect (who's is?) he was far beyond simple soliphism. ttfn, ~Trinsic


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>