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Re: USAGE: Pop, smearcase, kolaches

From:L. Gerholz <milo@...>
Date:Friday, December 10, 1999, 2:51
Nik Taylor wrote:
> > Speaking of dinner: when is dinner for y'all? >
Again adopted from my family, dinner is the biggest meal of the day, whether at noontime or in the evening. Back when I was a child, most days dinner would be in the evening so the noon meal was "lunch". But on Sundays, when we'd go out to a restaurant after church, dinner was the noontime meal and the evening meal was "supper". But we'd also use "supper" frequently for the evening meal, no matter how much had been eaten at noon. Laurie -- "Being bright does not grant an immunity to doing idiotic things; more like, it just enlarges the possible scope." -- Lois McMaster Bujold