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Re: Pagan - etymology?

From:Thomas R. Wier <artabanos@...>
Date:Thursday, July 13, 2000, 19:08
Lars Henrik Mathiesen wrote:

> > Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 22:20:26 -0500 > > From: "Thomas R. Wier" <artabanos@...> > > > Well, I think we're confusing issues a little. According Cary and > > Schullard's _A History of Rome_, "[e]ach valley or plateau > > constituted a pagus with an elective headman (mendix).... [t]he pagi > > were loosely associated into cantonal associations... and each of > > these populi formed a touto....". Now, that is the status of the > > pagus as of, oh, 200 BC; [...] > > Very interesting words... > > Could pagus be a thematic variant of pax?
<> Not so much a thematic variant as being etymologically related. Latin 'pagus' and 'pax' both have the root pak-, pag-, 'to make fast or firm'.
> Also cf. Greek pagos as in Areopagos.
But that is págos, 'rock, crag, rocky hill', with rising tone, not pâgos, with rising-falling tone. Incidentally, that is only the Latin name for it; the Greeks called it 'ho Areîos págos', or the Hill of Ares, hardly a peaceful deity.
> I suppose mendix relates to (later?) mendax = lying and mendicus = > beggar --- if so, the word has come down in the world.
That was actually a typo in my last email -- the title is actually 'meddix'. So, presumably there is no relation: it means 'he who cares for, attends to, a curator, the title of a magistrate among the Oscans'.
> Touto --- is that 3f touto, toutonis? Perseus (Lewis & Short) does not > list it. But it almost has to be related to Germanic *teuto- as in > Dutch.
That seems probable, given the meaning. But I don't know enough about historical phonological developments in Oscan and Old Latin to say for sure.
> And I wonder about populus vs G folk. I really should get around to > buying a proper IE etymological book.
Me too. I have the American Heritage Dictionary of IE roots, but its index is somewhat disappointing. ====================================== Tom Wier <artabanos@...> ICQ#: 4315704 AIM: trwier "Cogito ergo sum, sed credo ergo ero." ======================================