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Re: CHAT: UK Conlangcon

From:Lars Henrik Mathiesen <thorinn@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 12, 1999, 18:02
> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 12:06:36 +0100 > From: Paul Bennett <Paul.Bennett@...>
> More to the point, has anyone heard from Lars since the Paddington > crash?
Thanks for the concern, but I'm still here... just a bit busy settling in. I haven't even been to London yet (and I wouldn't have taken that overcrowded commuter train anyway --- that would have meant me getting up before 7 am). Currently I think I'm more at risk from driving back from the pub after lunch, on the wrong side of the road.
> Oh, and that's TWO <t>'s in Bennett. Pet peeve. Excuses will not be > tolerated.
Like the last <e> in my surname. "Mathieson" is the name of a scottish clan, and no doubt they are upstanding people all, but as a Dane I must insist on -sen. BTW, you fellows had better read up on the pronunciation guide for my name that I sent out a month or two ago. There _will_ be a test. (In case anyone is wondering, I'm keeping my subscription to the list at this address. Nostalgia, mostly). Lars Mathiesen (U of Copenhagen CS Dep) <thorinn@...> (Humour NOT marked)