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Re: Phonetic question...

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Saturday, March 23, 2002, 16:09
In a message dated 3/22/02 09.26.19 PM, conlang@TWOCANNIBALS.COM writes:

>Thank you for your thoughtful and thorough response. Of >course, now I'm sitting at my desk making VERY odd sounds >over and over again. "[n] [J] [n_j] [nj]" My coworkers are >beginning to suspect that I'm really as crazy as I say I >am...
LMAO. You think _you_ have it hard??? I have housemates who think I am not only _way_ too smart, mischievious, rebellious and potentially violent for my own good (and others)... that I am crazier than a mad scientist intent on makin' a few _minor_ changes to some of the realities on Earth (taking over the world is _so_ passé, juvenile and egocentric, hehe...) They oft'times hear me mutterin' to myself in "weird languages" (me chanting parts of the IPA, working on learning X-SAMPA, trial-&-error experimentation on my conlang Aalexsit'exaa, & growling-&-snarling in my frictive-sibilant-heavy "alien reptilianoid" language - not named yet - or chatterin'&gibberin' away in a gremlin-like voice - just hyper-nonsense when I am manic ;)... or throat-singing or chanting in the bathroom or stairwell ... Some of my housemates think I should be on "psych meds" (psychriatric drugs) or committed to a hospital for the insane. Seriously. enuff about me... hehe... Most Humbly, Hanuman Zhang {HANoomaan JAHng} /'hanuma~n dZa'hN/, W.O.G. (Wiley "Oriental" Gentlebeing) ~§~ Sometimes the difference between noise and music is all in your head ~§~ _NADA BRAHMA_= < from Sanskrit > "sound is god[head]"/"god[head] is sound" anavriti shabdat => "Liberation by sound." "I like the fact that listen is an anagram of silent." ~ Alfred Brendel OM ... Om Tat Sat... Tat Tvam Asi... OM