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Back from Nicaragua

From:Sylvia Sotomayor <kelen@...>
Date:Friday, May 28, 2004, 16:31
Hi all,
I'm back from my vacation, where I drank a lot of rum, lazed on several
different beaches, got bitten by mosquitos, spiders, and fleas, spent
entirely too much time bouncing around in the back of the pickup on roads
that were less than smooth, and climbed to the crater of two volcanoes
(Mombacho and Cosiguina). On the last day, my favorite cousin-in-law took
me to a bookstore, and I bought the following:

El Habla Nicaraguense y otros ensayos by Carlos Mantica
Historia del Español de America by Juan Antonio Frago Gracia
Historia de la Lengua Española by Rafael Lapesa
Gramatica de la Lengua Sumu by Susan Norwood

My favorite cousin-in-law, despite working for the Dept of Tourism and
teaching at the University, had never heard of Nicaraguan Sign Language,
and couldn't find me any info on it. He says he'll keep his ears and eyes
open, though.

I had a great time, but it's good to be home.

Sylvia Sotomayor

Kélen language info can be found at:

This post may contain the following:
á (a-acute)  é (e-acute)  í (i-acute)
ó (o-acute)  ú (u-acute)  ñ (n-tilde)

áe ñarra anmárienne cí áe reharra anmárienne lá;


Sally Caves <scaves@...>