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Re: SoCal vowels (was Re: sending mail to the list)

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Thursday, May 3, 2001, 20:48
On Thu, 3 May 2001 09:50:07 -0700 J Matthew Pearson
<pearson@...> writes:
> This is an interesting hypothesis. So do you have the same contrast > between > "could" (more rounded) and "good" (less rounded)? We should test > this systematically: > If Steg's guess is right, then the vowels in column A should all > sound the > same, and the vowels in column B should all sound the same, and the > vowels in > column A should sound different from the vowels in column B...
- Just remember - i don't hear the vowels differently, i *feel the consonants* differently. Maybe i should really do this in front of the mirror, but hey why not just try it quick first right here... rounded consonants: Put, Took, Could, Soot, Rook, Crook, Should, Shook, Cook, Hook non-rounded: Book, Look, Good, Foot Some of the rounded ones, for instance the /p/'s and /r/'s, were more rounded than other rounded ones, such as the /S/'s.
> A B > put book > took look > could good > soot rook > foot crook > should > shook > cook > hook > > What do you think? > > Matt.
- -Stephen (Steg) "so close, no matter how far..." ~ "nothing else matters" by metallica PS- with regard to the subject of the email, i'm an NYCer, not a SoCaler.