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Re: Interesting concultural ideas

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Saturday, December 8, 2001, 22:42
In a message dated 08.12.2001 06:17:04 AM, and_yo@HOTMAIL.COM writes:

>Type III Civilizations have mastered the energy output of their galaxy >(and >might try John's idea). > >The unanswered question is - what the heck to they need that amount of >energy for?? >
ROTFLMAOSHIH *ack-ack* to consume more??? ::thinkin' of alien Galaxy Eaters in some cheesy sci-fi novel read long ago far away:: czHANgie/Current Unholy Incarnation of Sun WuKong (a.k.a. "Monkey")