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Re: What're "agglutinating" and "isolating"? (was Re: Speedtalk attempts)

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 7, 1998, 4:30
On Tue, 6 Oct 1998 19:26:01 -0500, Tom Wier <artabanos@...>

> (I suppose one >could have _superfixes_ too, where the morpheme is a tonal change >rather than a segmental sound change, but that's more theoretical, >and AFAIK, no languages use this).
How about: perMIT vs. PERmit proDUCE vs. PROduce Well, these are somewhat odd examples, and it's not productive (you can't say ADmit or REduce, for instance), but I actually have an example from = one of my old languages, Ipsilikhthar. The genitive case of nouns is formed = by putting a stress on the final syllable: RELni "a dragon", relNI "of a dragon". I'm thinking that there are some noun cases in Serbo-Croatian that differ only in the tone, but I don't remember the details.