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Re: CHAT: Clocks (was Visigoths (was: YADPT (D=Dutch)))

From:dansulani <dansulani@...>
Date:Friday, November 14, 2003, 12:05
On 14 Nov, Phillip Driscoll wrote:

> Benct Philip Jonsson wrote: > > > > In spite of digitalization rotation clocks don't > > seem to be falling out of use (probably because > > once you learn how they are quicker to read), > > In the kitchen, I have a traditional clock on one > wall and a digital clock on the opposite wall. As > my eyesight starts to worsen with age, I find I > often cannot make out the digits on the digital > clock, but I can make out the two hands on the > traditional clock within a couple of minutes.
I personally wear a digital watch on my wrist (it has a stopwatch-function that I find useful in my work) but I much prefer rotation clocks (I made sure that the clock on my wall at work is rotation.). People probably differ in this, but as for me, I find that I can deal with angles a lot faster than I can with strings of numbers. This is especially true if I have to estimate how long until some future time or since some past time. I can visualize the angle of the clock's hands and translate that, in my head, into the amount of minutes a whole lot faster than I can set up the appropriate arithmetic formula in my mind and then do the calculation! Dan Sulani -------------------------------------------- likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a. A word is an awesome thing.