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OT: Speech Therapy (was Re: Re: Slightly OT: French as a second language)

From:Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>
Date:Friday, November 23, 2001, 7:07
On 22 Nov, Josh Roth  wrote:
    (quoting an earlier post of mine)

> > Try having the Yemmenite parents bring you their sons for speech > >therapy because they (the kids) speak Hebrew like all the other Israelis > >around them > >and not like the rest of their family! > > Usually I try to talk them out of it, but one time I couldn't, and > >I > >ended up having to try and modify the poor kid's dialect to conform > >to family standards! > > Did it work?? How old was he? He must have resisted.
The kid was about 6 years old IIRC. He didn't (dare to) resist. (The father was a rather dominating character). Of course it didn't succeed! The kid spent all day in school, surrounded by standard Israeli Hebrew, not the Yemmenite variety. Then he went home and played with the neighborhood kids, all of whom spoke standard Israeli Hebrew. If he watched TV or listened to music, it was in standard Israeli Hebrew. He was in an overwhelmingly non-Yemmenite environment. How was he to _need_ to aquire a Yemmenite accent? Parental wishes alone are not enough!
>That's kind of cool in a > way, that such things can happen in this world :-)
"Ethnic" therapy can indeed be cool! (I remember an Ethiopian girl I treated last year. In order to practice her speech, she used to describe to me how to make all sorts of Ethiopian delicacies. (I should have taken notes!) However, although teaching a person to change his/her accent is an accepted part of a speech-language pathologist's mandate, I usually relegate such cases to low priority. There are too many other speech/language problems that can seriously interfere with a person's ability to communicate or can seriously affect their ability to succeed in school to worry about trying to replace a perfectly good phonological system with a different one. Vanity is not usually a good enough reason for therapy. Dan Sulani -------------------------------- likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a. A word is an awesome thing.