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Re: TRANS: love is the law

Date:Wednesday, February 9, 2000, 14:18
On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Herman Miller wrote:

> >"Love is the Law" > > Jarrda has more than one equivalent for all three words "love", "is", and > "law". I assume you don't mean "Romantic attraction is the same thing as a > threat of retaliation", but something more like "Affection has the quality > of being a standard".
Maybe some (presumed) context would help. Usually, this is the truncated version of the following Thelemic statement: 'Do what thou Wilt.' Shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the Law, Love under Will. From this context, it's obvious that amorous desire or affection is not necessarily the best interpretation of "Love". Note that "Love", "Law", and "Will" are always capitalized. This is given greater explication in Crowley's "The Law is For All".