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Re: Sexual terminology [was Re: Blowjobs and pant legs in Dutch]

From:Steve Kramer <scooter@...>
Date:Sunday, December 23, 2001, 4:58
On Sat, 22 Dec 2001, Irina Rempt wrote:
> On Saturday 22 December 2001 12:27, Christophe wrote: > > > A conculture doesn't mandatorily reflects the views of its > > author. Think of Irina, whose conculture is anything but Orthodox > > Christian. > > It does hold comparable values of good and evil as I do myself, > however, perhaps even expressed more explicitly.
For my conculture, at least in this case, it's the result of a discussion among about half a dozen of my friends as to where the greatest place to be would be, and how the culture there would be different than our own (for different values of "our own", as there were Canadians, United States citizens, and South Americans involved).
> And Matt wrote: > > > :)) Personnally I've never understood the "cleanness" of > > : heterosexuality :))) . > > Well, as long as people wash :-) >
Sex is only "dirty" if you're doing it correctly. :-) -- Steve Kramer || scooter (at) buser dot net || _____________________ =================================================== | __/^\__ ,-^,| "You really don't create an authoritarian |/~ \_ { / | society unless you control the personal choices - \/\ |! | including the sexual choices - of the people. / / ) |___ So I think that sexual oppression and (_ \ \ / dictatorship go hand-in-hand." ~v^ ?_,-' Hugh Hefner