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Re: conculture issues [cross-posted]

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 17, 1999, 23:48
And Rosta:

>It was me that suggested a conculture list, and cc-ed to John as a >tacit nudge for him to set one up from I suggested it >as principally for conlangers, as I was aware of the World-Building >and World-Design lists (I subscribe to the latter), which cater to >RPG people and to people whose principal interest is in creating >worlds (and not, I have observed, languages at all). FWIW, I have >found, say, Kristian's purely concultural posts to Conlang far more >pertinent to my interests than anything I have read on World-Design >(which I've been too busy to read for some months). > >I'm aware that many messages to Conlang blend language and culture >(e.g. many of Matt's), but I also remember being (justly, I think) >complained at (by Mark Line) when I sent to Conlang a post >describing nothing but Livagian football. I'd quite like a forum >where I could discuss Livagian and, say, Boreanesian footy without >fear of pissing other subscribers off. True, a CONCULTURE tag on >Conlang might help, to the extent that people used it [I can never >remember what the tags are], but I know that a hefty number of >people have unsubscribed from Conlang because of the excessively >heavy traffic. Even messages you delete unread take time and disk >quota.
I share And's sentiments exactly. I'd also feel uncomfortable posting details about, say, a Boreanesian version of the Oriental Go board-game. I'd feel uncomfortable posting Boreanesian recipes. I'd feel uncomfortable posting details about Boreanesian architecture. But most of all, I'd really really feel uncomfortable posting to conlang-L asking technical questions that pertain more to anthropology and ethnology rather than linguistics, whether there was a subject tag or not. I'm also concerned about flooding conlang with posts that are concultural rather than conlingual. It would be nice to have a forum where I can discuss Boreanesian recipes and architecture without having to flood conlang with issues that are not directly conlang related. I don't subscribe to the other world-building/design lists, but I'm under the impression that conculturers would be more concerned about the precise details of a conculture rather than a generalized picture of a conworld. Conculturers would be more concerned about the development of a culture while world-builders/designers would be more concerned about the setting of a culture. Conculturers try to bring a culture to life while little such endeavors can be said for world-builders/designers. I firmly believe that there is room for an offshoot-list of conlang to discuss concultural issues, NOT world-building/designing issues. BTW, I subscribed to conculture-l several days ago, but so far there has only been three posts including my own. What happened to all those people who said they would join such a list if there was one made? -kristian- 8-)