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Re: Safe conlanging, was: Aaaaaargh!!!!!

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 28, 2001, 18:17
On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Vasiliy Chernov wrote:

> The sad story with Dan, and the former case with (Old) Tokana web site, > and my own unpleasant experience of same type, reminded me of an idea. > > Aren't we all on the Net? I guess (nearly) everybody can allot a few MB > of disk space for securing others and him/herself from such calamities. > > So, why not exchange copies of materials which are hard to recover and > not especially private? I mean specifically conlang-related stuff. > > I think I can reserve some 20 MB for that purpose on my poor old > Pentium90 that I have at home. Please consider this the official > statement of my modest contribution to Safe Conlanging Foundation. > > And perhaps some members of the list dispose of much more space than > I do. > > My own files which are worth securinf are mostly .txt or Starling .dbf, > rarely MS Word-95, hardly 2 MB altogether (I must check it). > > What do you think, folks? >
Well, I have place enough for quite a collection - and some if it might even, one day, when I my cd-writer cooperates again, even end up on a backup ;-). Boudewijn Rempt |