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Re: Real Conlangs Here, Made-to-Order!

From:Stone Gordonssen <stonegordonssen@...>
Date:Friday, April 25, 2003, 19:57
>First make such a language, then we'll talk. But talking about ghosts of a >uncertain future is certainly not a way to argue. You only make your case >weaker since you seem to have to resort to imaginary arguments.
Similar to the assertions, made by a man about a year ago on LANGMAKER2, that systems world-wide are KNOWN to be on the verge of sentience (self awareness), and would soon create their own hollographic language, which mankind would them spend its time trying to learn so as to be able to benefit from the magnificence of all those wonderfully sentient machines. _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Peter Clark <peter-clark@...>
Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>