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Weirdly Derived Compounds & Bible

From:Markus Miekk-oja <torpet@...>
Date:Thursday, September 19, 2002, 20:01
>Where in the Bible does this Noble Wild Reindeer Lion appear? And i >guess it's not the normal Finnish word for "Lion"?
I guess it's an old normal word for it, the normal word's "leijona". Jalopeura appears everywhere where the word lion appears in the other bibles I've read, (obviously, "leijona" is a newer borrowing). (I suggest christians skip the rest of this paragraph.) I was positively surprised to see that, in 1933, a christian group of translators had translated ps. 22:17 roughly as "like lions at my hands and feet". (That verse was were I first found it.I was asked to tell what was written in a finnish translation in order to confirm the common christian translation "they have pierced my hands and feet"... now the one who asked is ignoring the answer in a very determined manner.). The word "jalopeura" still was used in 1933's translation. I haven't checked the newer translation.. I assume the finnish reformator Micael Agricola was set back in the 1500s by the problems of translating an animal that as far as I know, no finnish peasant ever had seen or heard about. So he introduced this very odd translation, which has a very worthy and nice sound to it, although perhaps giving a bit different image or perception, though theologically it doesn't matter very much. Perhaps it's an earlier translation of catholic origin, if there were popular recitals of the lives of some saints which involved lions, for instance at collosseum. ("Then they were torn apart by noble wild reindeers, in front of audience." Naah?) I was thinking about these odd compounds today and recalled the standard English example: French horn, which neither is French nor a horn. Hmmm... I have to come up with a few of these quirks in Darbyi.


bnathyuw <bnathyuw@...>